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UNC Graduates a Diverse Class of More Than 1,200 this Spring

2024年春季班近43%的本科生是家里的第一个孩子 to graduate from college

北科罗拉多大学(UNC)庆祝其最新的毕业班 its spring commencement ceremonies May 3-4, inside the Bank of Colorado Arena. This 班级中获得学士学位的第一代学生比例最高 近五年来的学位和最多样化的研究生和本科生班级 students during that same timeframe.  

总体而言,自然与健康科学学院的获奖人数最多 以及教育与行为科学学院 is awarding the largest number of master’s, specialist and doctoral degrees. 

毕业典礼上,约有389名学生将获得博士学位, specialist or master’s degree, will take place on Friday, May 3, at 6 p.m. 

本科毕业典礼将在5月4日星期六举行三场典礼,表彰 approximately 843 students receiving bachelor’s degrees.

  • 为教育学院和行为科学学院的毕业生举行的典礼 and the College of Performing and Visual Arts begins at 9 a.m.
  • 自然与健康科学学院的毕业典礼于 noon.
  • 为人文社会科学学院和 the Kenneth W. Monfort College of Business begins at 3 p.m. 

RELATED: Celebrating the Class of Spring 2024

预计今年将有309名学生完成学位要求 summer and are eligible to participate in the spring ceremonies. 

All ceremonies will be held at UNC’s Bank of Colorado Arena. 入场券是必需的,并通过电子方式分发给毕业生 their BearMail accounts. Guests must obtain tickets before the ceremony as they are not available at the door. 

仪式可以通过多种方式观看,包括通过皇冠app官方版下载网站进行直播 and on social media platforms for family and friends watching from home. The university 还提供现场西班牙语翻译服务和校园内的观看空间 for people who want a less crowded viewing space. 

有关门票、停车地点和校园地图的更多信息,请访问 UNC’s commencement website. 

Meet Our Spring Graduates 

  • 春季本科班是近五年来最多样化的一届 the number of students identifying as Hispanic/Latine (24.3%), Multiracial (5%) and Black or African American (4.3%) at some of the highest percentages over that timeframe.  
  • 今年是西班牙裔/拉丁裔研究生比例最高的一年 在过去的五年里,在春季毕业典礼上毕业的人数比7%增加了一倍多 in 2020 to 16.7% in 2024.  
  • Undergraduate students graduating this spring received over $24.4 million in combined 择优奖学金和私人奖学金和助学金(不需要偿还的援助) throughout their UNC education.  
  • 春季班的本科生比例是以往最高的 five years (42.9%) who are the first in their families to earn a college degree.   

Most popular undergraduate degree programs:

  • Psychology (100) 
  • Business Administration (98) 
  • Elementary Education (54)
  • Nursing (53)
  • Criminology and Criminal Justice (45)

Most popular graduate degree programs:

  • Business Administration (46) 
  • Special Education programs (46) 
  • Music (34)
  • Sport and Exercise Science (28)
  • Educational Leadership (19)
  • School Psychology (19)
  • 春季班包括35名来自全美的本科生和研究生运动员 以下项目有:棒球、足球、男子篮球、男子和女子交叉 乡村、垒球、游泳和跳水、排球、女子高尔夫球和女子足球. 
  • 这个班包括54名美国退伍军人,37名本科生和17名研究生 students.  
  • Graduates come from 46 Colorado counties, 45 states and 21 countries.  
  • The youngest graduate this spring is 19 years old and the oldest is 66. 
  • 自然与健康科学学院本科毕业人数最多 学生(260),其次是教育与行为科学学院(200), 人文与社会科学学院(1993)、表演与视觉学院 Arts (107) and the Monfort College of Business (98). 
  • 教育与行为科学学院的毕业生人数最多 学生(178),紧随其后的是蒙福特大学自然与健康科学学院(111) 商学院(46)、表演与视觉艺术学院(34)和艺术学院(34) Humanities and Social Sciences (20). 
  • 皇冠app官方版下载在过去的五年中授予了最多的本科学位 这些领域:音乐剧(18)和英语中等教育(16),以及数量 音乐专业(34人)、临床心理健康咨询专业(21人) and Biological Sciences (16).

加上2024年春季毕业班,皇冠app官方版下载现在有超过14.16万名在世校友 living and working in all 50 states and more than 89 countries. 

皇冠app安卓下载安装皇冠app官方版下载2024年春季课程的数据是初步的,是基于学生的人口统计数据 who have applied to graduate as of April 12, 2024. Degrees are officially conferred June 2024. 

Graduate Commencement Student Speakers

 Melissa Lafferty.

Melissa Lafferty 

College of Education and Behavioral Sciences 
Doctor of Philosophy, Higher Education and Student Affairs Leadership 

梅丽莎·拉弗蒂(Melissa Lafferty)是来自北达科他州俾斯麦的第一代学生 芝加哥洛约拉大学心理学学士学位和文学硕士学位 in Clinical Psychology from Eastern Illinois University. She currently works as the 科罗拉多州立大学(Colorado State University)的重新参与协调员 she also serves on the Center for Mindfulness Leadership Team. Lafferty is committed 改善接受高等教育的机会,创造积极、包容的环境 through mindful leadership.  

Nia Renee Connolly

Nia Renee Connolly 

Monfort College of Business 
Master of Business Administration, Human Resources concentration 

Nia Renee Connolly, founder of How To Love A Battered Woman, LLC., ignites transformation as a certified motivational speaker, relationship coach and author. With unwavering 奉献,她赋予个人克服逆境,培养韧性和 growth. As a proud wife, Connolly embodies the values of love, compassion and strength in both her personal and professional life. Her journey epitomizes the power of perseverance and the ability to rise above challenges. Through her inspirational work, Connolly 激励他人拥抱自己的潜能,培养健康的人际关系并追求 their dreams with courage and conviction. 

Undergraduate Commencement Student Speakers 

Jenessa Hamm

Jenessa Hamm 

College of Education and Behavioral Sciences 
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology 

Jenessa Hamm is graduating with a bachelor's degree in Psychology with a minor in Human Services. She is a Colorado native and is excited for what the world has to offer after graduation. Hamm has been inspired and motivated from a young age to go to college and pursue a degree in psychology. Life circumstances were challenging, but in the face of that, she was fortunate enough to have support. While she was at UNC, Hammwas a member of Alpha Omicron Pi, attended 性与性别资源中心的活动、会议和多元文化活动. After graduation, she 计划通过旅行探索世界,并攻读社会工作硕士学位. 

Madison Gremillion

Madison Gremillion 

College of Natural and Health Sciences 

Madison Gremillion is a non-traditional Honors student graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences on the pre-med path. Gremillion’sHonors thesis, 题目是“临终病人沟通:探索舒适,沟通和 Education of Healthcare Professionals for End-of-Life Care" 获得了美国国立大学颁发的波特兹跨学科奖学金 Honors Council in 2022. 格林米姆希望能对越来越多的研究做出贡献 the importance of empathy-based practice as she continues in the Master of Public Health program at the Colorado School of Public Health at UNC in fall 2024. She later plans to pursue a Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine program.  

Cesar Rosales Cordova.

Cesar Rosales Cordova 

College of Humanities and Social Sciences 
Bachelor of Arts, Economics — Public Policy concentration 

塞萨尔·亚历杭德罗·罗萨莱斯·科尔多瓦是一名同性恋的第一代拉丁裔学生 raised in Colorado with a passion for helping others. He is graduating with a bachelor's degree in Economics and two minors, thefirst in Mexican American Studies and the second in Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy. At UNC, Rosales Cordova has enjoyed working 与健康促进办公室、地球守护者、学生等组织合作 Affairs, Student Government and the College of Performing and Visual Arts. In the future, Rosales Cordova aims to earn his master's degree in public health and continue to help and empower his community 

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